Desktop App


Optiquest is a desktop application that helps you to manage methods and processes in your company.

Project details

Optiquest is a desktop application that helps you to manage methods and processes in your company like transportation, inventory, and more.

The application is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a clean and modern interface that makes it easy to navigate and find the information you need.

Optiquest is a desktop application that helps you, as a manager, to manage methods and processes, the application has three main functions: Linear Programming, Assignment Method, and Transportation Method.

1. Linear Programming - Simplex
OptiQuest allows you to solve linear programming problems easily and quickly.

2. Assignment Method - Hungarian
OptiQuest allows you to solve assignment problems by finding the most optimal result for you.

3. Transportation Method - Minimum Cost, Northwest Corner, Vogel
OptiQuest allows you to solve transportation problems using different methods to find the most optimal route.

THe method linear programming is a method used to find the most optimal solution for a problem, the method is used in different areas like economics, engineering, and more. In this case the application uses the simplex method to solve the linear programming problem.

In this window we need to enter the data of the linear programming problem, the application allows you to enter the number of variables, the number of restrictions, the coefficients of the objective function, and the coefficients of the restrictions.

In this window you can see the result of the linear programming problem, the application shows you the optimal solution and the value of the objective function.

The assignment method is a method used to find the most optimal solution for a problem, the method is used in different areas like economics, engineering, and more. In this case the application uses the Hungarian method to solve the assignment problem.

The transportation method is a method used to find the most optimal solution for a problem, the method is used in different areas like economics, engineering, and more. In this case the application uses different methods to solve the transportation problem.

And we can export the result of the transportation problem, assignment problem, and linear programming problem to a PDF file.

The application is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a clean and modern interface that makes it easy to navigate and find the information you need.

Tools Used
