Web App

Web point sales

Web app that allows you to manage your sales and inventory in a simple and easy way.


Project details

Web Point Sales is a web application that allows you to manage your sales and inventory in a simple and easy way. The application is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a clean and modern interface that makes it easy to navigate and find the information you need.

This project represents the implementation of a CRUD system in a web application using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern with Django.

Registering a customer

The main objective has been to develop a web application for a point of sale, applying Object Oriented Programming (OOP) knowledge in Python and using HTML and CSS for the visual presentation. The image above shows the section where a customer can be registered.

Selecting a customer to edit

The application allows users to easily select a customer for editing through a dropdown menu, as shown in the image above.

Editing a customer

After selecting a customer, their information can be edited as needed. The image above illustrates the editing interface for customer details.

Deleting a customer

Customers can also be deleted by selecting them from a dropdown menu and confirming the action. This process is shown in the image above.

Customer list

The application provides a comprehensive list of all registered customers, displaying their key details such as Nit, Name, and Address. The image above shows the customer listing interface.

Registering products

Similar to customers, products can be registered within the application. The image above shows the interface for registering new products.

Product list

Once products are registered, they are displayed in a list that includes essential information such as Name, Description, Price, and Stock. The image above shows the product listing.

Editing products

Products can also be edited to update their details. The image above shows the editing interface for products.

Deleting products

Deleting products is straightforward, with a dropdown menu to select the product to be removed. The image above illustrates the product deletion process.

Registering an invoice and selecting products

Invoices can be created by selecting the necessary products. The image above shows the interface for registering an invoice and selecting products for it.

Invoice details with product information

The final image shows the detailed information of each product included in an invoice, allowing for a clear and organized view of the transaction.

Tools Used
